There are some people that you meet and just instantly click with. When Chumani first emailed me I knew that she was going to be a dream client to work with. Chumani is a senior in Alexandria, VA and wanted to come all the way to Old Town Fredericksburg for her senior session.
One thing I love so much about this gorgeous gal is how strong she is. Her character is kind and sweet, yet fierce and bold. Her love for the Lord shines through how she speaks and well she loves others. She honestly is just the definition of a girl boss. She plays varsity basketball, is the captain of the volleyball team, editor of her school’s newspaper, and is the director of the student tutors program. I meaaannnn, wow. A QUEEN!
Besides being an absolute boss lady, she has the killer style to match! Actually, at the end of her shoot she told me that her grandma does a lot of shopping for her and most of her outfits were chosen by her grandma! How cool is that? Chumani rocked some different prints and patterns which I always encourage going bold in outfits for your senior session.
I seriously can’t wait for you to see her sunrise senior session! Enjoy!
Not only do I love serving my seniors, but I also love serving my fellow photographers! From free downloads, to coaching, to weekly educational videos, and even an ever growing template shop for anything you need.