Anna and Dylan, Dylan and Anna. These two were SO MUCH FUN to work with! They laughed and giggled, danced and played the entire time. The look in their eyes as one looked at the other was something like no other. It is obvious to see that these two are truly in love and excited to spend the rest of their lives together.
Anna and Dylan met during their time studying at James Madison University (go dukes baby). It wasn’t until both had graduated, moved on and started their lives when they reconnected over Facebook and things took off for the best. Since then, they have started a wonderful life together and have wedding plans for next year. I think it is absolutely incredible that they take time out of their busy schedules to take swing dancing lessons together every week! How fun is that?! Their hard work has paid off in these adorable photos! During our shoot, the grey clouds were coming in strong and things got dark real quick, but that didn’t stop us! I think their smiles and laughs moved the clouds out of the way and cleared the sky for the pretty blue and sunshine to come popping through to end their session on a high note.
Anna and Dylan, I wish you both the absolute best, and I can’t wait to see where life takes ya. Keep on dancing my friends!!
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