That’s all I can think of when looking at sweet Joe and Taylor’s engagement session! I mean come on, isn’t that what everyone wants? These two love birds met just four years ago when their friends tried to set them up. The real connection though came with the help of Joe’s adorable pup, Archer. Taylor had wanted to get know Joe a little better so she offered to walk his dog. (To which she would like to point out, never got paid for ha!) Shorty after that first walk, everything paid off and they went on their first date and the rest is history. Three years later Joe got down on one knee, and well, I’ll let Taylor tell ya how it went down!
“As our third Anniversary was approaching Joe figured that it’d be the best day to pop the question. Joe had planned the whole day by arranging with my boss to have a random Tuesday off of work and arranged a day on the boat with my dad and sister. My boss called me and told me that she didn’t need me to watch the kids and then a few days later my dad called me and asked if we wanted to to go boating. I woke up and checked my phone and Facebook reminded me of our anniversary. I got up and called my sister and was like crap I forgot about our anniversary. My sister reassured me and convinced me that, “maybe he forgot too”. But little did I know he had planned the whole day. We go to our favorite swimming hole on the boat and Joe wanted to take me to the shore. I was pretty set on not going so he ended up carrying me to the shore. Joe pointed to the woods to take my attention away from him. Joe tapped me on the shoulder and as I turned around he was down on one knee and I asked “what’s that”. Pretty sure I was so surprised I blacked out but the memory is my favorite.”
It was such a perfect night for their session! We had so much fun and I seriously just want to go back and relax at the lake, maybe grill some hamburgers… the whole thing. Thank you Joe + Taylor for showing me around your gorgeous stomping grounds! I absolutely can’t wait for your wedding next year!
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